Astral Projection Through Frequency Resonance

"In the art of astral travel, spellcasters uncover layers of universal understanding, delving into time-worn wisdom and bolstering their psychic insights. As we journey through the astral realm, our capacity for energy work grows, opening doors to spiritual allies and enlightenment. Such mastery not only shields us from darker forces but also cultivates the personal growth vital to potent magic." 

— Bisset, Mystic Praxis

Many esoteric and spiritual traditions have methods and practices purported to help with out-of-body experiences. Bisset recommended the following for spellcasters:

1. Preparation

   - Choose a time when you're neither too tired nor too alert—post-meditation or upon waking from sleep are often ideal.

   - Lie down in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. This can be on a bed, sofa, or even a mat on the floor.

2. Anchoring:

   - Begin with deep breaths. Cast the Temporary Anchor spell. 

   - Visualize roots extending from your body into the Earth. Feel the Earth's energy grounding and stabilizing you physical body.

3. Frequency Awareness:

   - Focus on the natural frequency of your body. You might visualize this as a unique color or hear it as a specific sound.

   - Understand that everything has a frequency: your thoughts, emotions, the physical space around you. Acknowledge these frequencies but do not attach to them.

4. Tuning In:

   - Imagine a dial, like an old radio tuner. This is your personal frequency adjuster.

   - Slowly turn the dial, mentally, and sense the shifting frequencies around you.

   - Visualize or sense the frequency of the astral plane—it might be represented as a luminous color or a harmonious sound that feels just out of reach. Once you notice the astral frequency, start to focus you awareness on the place it is coming from and amplifying it by matching the frequency with your vocalization of AUM, using that frequency as the root note. As is discussed more in Bisset's work Interplanar Harmonics: The Symphony of Existence, it is this unification of frequency of sound which brings you into resonant frequency for the astral plane. 

5. Alignment:

   - Your goal is to align your personal frequency with that of the astral plane. Slowly adjust your tuner until you feel a resonance or "click."

   - As you get closer, you may feel a sense of weightlessness or vibration throughout your body.

6. Projection:

   - With the frequencies aligned, envision a silver cord connecting your physical body to your astral form. This is your lifeline and ensures a safe return.

   - Will your astral self to rise or float out of your physical body. Some people experience this as floating upward, while others might step out as if getting out of a chair.

7. Exploration:

   - Once you've successfully projected, you can explore the astral realm. Always remember your silver cord will keep you connected to your physical self.

   - Engage with the astral plane, but maintain an awareness of your purpose and safety.

8. Returning:

   - When you're ready to return, focus on your physical body and the location where you began. Listen to the sound associated with your body. This is your home frequency. It is the frequency for our "real" world.  Become more aware of the sound and the silver cord will gently guide your astral self back.

   - As you re-enter, you might feel a jolt or gentle settling sensation. Take a few deep breaths and re-ground yourself, visualizing the roots from earlier.

9. Reflection:

   - Spend a few minutes reflecting on your experience. It might be helpful to journal about what you felt, saw, or learned.

   - Understand that, like any skill, astral projection may require practice. Not everyone will be successful on their first try.

If you choose to explore astral projection or similar practices, it's essential to do so safely and preferably with guidance from experienced practitioners.